Archive for May, 2011


Athens 19-20-21:05:2011 Greek Mythology

May 18, 2011

as usual before any gig, stress precedes. Last min packing and sorting out other stuff til about 2am.

Sun shining in London. Security alert at Victoria.,Gatwick Express -anxiety inducing- running slow
Tweet “aboard the gatwixk express 1stclass. En route to Athens the city where the name ‘Detachments’ was concieved “

Made it to checkin 8:30am on time though.
it’s a long flight to Greece
Bastien (reading up on 3,500 yrs of Greek history) was stuck with; to his left some fidgety bloke picking his face , to his right; some massive fatwoman eating smelly meaty food.  Pete sat behind with  selecting places to roam in Athens from the recently picked up Athen guide, and perusing Tim  Burton book ‘Oyster Boy’ and

Arrived at airport – mobile phones, rather worryingly – unable to send/receive. Luckily, Second Skin club promoter George Fakinos recognised us.
Cloudy skies out there.  The Georges drove us to hotel,

Salem on the stereo.

Stunning 5-star hotel, feeling good.

Noticeable Riot Police and soldiers presence in area. Remember this is a country in crisis.
Checked in then went out for a 3 course meal with George and Big George.

Big George (3 degrees and PHD) imparted knowledge regarding Athenian history and discussed the philosophers.

The 2 Georges drove back to airport to pickup max.
After slipping through the free subway
Pete n Bastien mosied on up to the Acropolis area. Sun now out.

Climbed up to the rock with the classic view of Athens.

Wandered round the entire circumference of the Acropolis hill.
Back to hotel for coffee…

went up to roof terrace, blown away – Pool, jacuzzi, bar etc.

And incredible view.Max arrived, everyone digging the 5-star hotel.

Went out to a bar, DJ played some rather interesting tunes; mainly UK Alt early 80s.
Saw some band nextdoor, acoustics good, all walls padded, no echo at all. Only problem – could hear us 3 joking around n shit a bit too loud.
Got steadily drunk.
With our excellent hosts, swayed over to another joint, again with intriguing music policy, e.g. DJ drop ‘United’ by Throbbing Gristle.

All, foggy, memory now. …

Ended the night with shish kebab.

10:29am Sgt Bastien somehow made it for breakfast by 1min. Waiter then informed him 20E+ breakfast is ‘not included’, message relayed to Pete and Max as they blearily staggered in to do a 360, heading up to rooftop.
5min later waiter informs Bastien that breakfast actually IS included.

Spent several hrs sprawled out on sofas by pool on roof terrace,

cushions and chairs all messed up, assorted pastries(brought up for the lads) littering and crumbing the table in front. feet on tables,half dressed, dozing in sun getting patches of burns. Eventually got told to put feet down. WTF! Sodded off for a pleasant stroll around local area. Greek coffee – ooh, not so nice.

Wandered into central
really feeling like lads on hols.

shopping district, . Search for toothpaste continued, all chemists closed despite neon signs pointing to sidestreet illuminated. Eventually located some in a mimimart.

Got back on subway to Panepissoffimo. Soundcheck time. 5pm.
Very high stage. Venue had a balcony, impressive looking joint.
Thorough check, pleasing results achieved. 10% beer to accompany.
Afterwards on way to cafe, Bastien stormed up to a quartet of Detachments posters that had been postered over and tore off the offending selotaped waste paper.
Out in the open, cafe, Din dins, gourmet shish type kebab with Big George. Excellent.

Chilled out backstage, then went out to chill and get fresh air boozing…

Checked out Support band, audience slowly building.

Stagetime- marched out from sidestage, the place was now packed.

Bastien wears Versace, Max wears Fred Perry ltd edition.

Crowd attentive. 45MIn full set.

Slipped out down the stairs to backstageland. Got called back for the encore, threw down Messages.
Heard ALL merch sold out. We should have brought more Album CDs.
Free bar time.
Backstage powdered our noses.
Entourage Cruised over to another another joint,
Peaches on decks.
 She climbed up and performed Fuck The Pain Away live. Mental. Too packed in there, strolled back to Second Skin. Later,

realised it was 6:00am! WTF. Home James.

Max crashed  into early quick breakfast at 6:30am.
bastien staggered there 10:10
Pete didn’t make it.
Max woke up on floor.

endedup at acropolis area again.
Big George drove us to the airport. Played us CD of his band.
Sat out in early dusk sun admiring the landscape.
Athens, we love yer.


-fuck writing blogs. justice is never done.
next time we’ll just do  a photoblog.

Maxback flew to Belgium.
Bastien and Pete flew to Gatwick; In flight -hypothetical forfiets game. For x amount would you… …everyone’s got their price. For £1,500 would you…etc. Got pretty sick
OK back in the LD…

To save £20 (on a taxi), sober would you….
wait around for ages(40min?) amongst scarey shouty drunks and to catch a slow bus fromVictoria to Camden. Then get the (usually quick short distance bus) 134 from Camden to Archway…. The 134 is the nightbus from HELL. If you are sober(senses not muffled) and surrounded by these cretinous  chavvy fucks shrieking/screaming… faith in human race begins to dwindle. 3 incidents where driver had to stop the bus, the amount of abuse he got, what a nightmare job. This is London. But anyway these are the things in life to forget. Trips like Athens are to remember.

black in LD, bleary, but content.


Portugal, Abril: LISBON28, PORTO29.

May 1, 2011

The Breaking Tweets [Bastien’s phone]

porto bound. Max slept on bench, got robbed. My mem is gone from 1am. We did a lot of crazyshit. Most rocknroll nonRockNroll band in europe
rue de sanra apolonia 59. heading there now. hopefully max is back at venue…his phone is dead. s
we´re at Rua da Escola Politecnica, 159. Pieter Jan Van Campenhout needs to know this. Mess! canºt remember much but beers n cocktails.
WE,ve LOST max(bassp player).Anyone seen him?! 15missed calls from him. Pete,s lost his phone. Free bar wrecked us. good gig last night tho
caipirinha. Mojitos. Lisbon. SUN. Enchanting city. enraptured
max(bass) has missed his coach from Antwerp to Ldn airport. He’s now driving to LD to catch Dets flight to Lisbon



Pre: comms with promoters – a bit vague.

WE27 Max missed his coach! Emergency – borrowed a car and drove to Antwerp-Deptford,  ETA 3am…

THU28 MAx rrrived S.LDN 5:45. pickup up pete .
then picked up Bastien (N.Ld)then drove stright to Luton.

Got to airport in good time.

LISBON got picked up in a hippie type old van.

Drove through Lisbon, in glorious sun. What a beautiful city. Blown away.

Hotel: ornate.

Donned brits abroad beach clobber.

Waited about 50M opposite hotel, in sun. that must be him!… ‘oi NUNO!’ gizza £100, we need to eat. Wandered to park with beer.

had cocktails at a cafe sunning ourselves in deckchairs . Mojitos and Caipirinhas. great view of city below. Contentedly wandered back to hotel,  got lift to soundcheck.


Ended up on roof terrace,

continuing to steadily drink Bock beer.

Great view of massive water + in distance; longest bridge ever seen!…

eventually: Pretty good soundcheck though it took the soundman 5hrs to set up(!)

So kept drinking up on terrace. Ate 3course dinner…… Veal and red wine up on terrace. Splendid.

Dressing rm.; looked like a primary school toilet. but still. one cubicle each.Gig was alright! They called down everyone from terrace. Bastien wore versace top. Red socks. POST GIG Sold records, signed em.

POST GIG madness


messy can;t rem much more Bock beers

more cocktails…..

whte russian, blk russians, whisky …….that’s what happens with a free bar. apparently we stowed loads of rum in our rm but in the a.m. it wasn’t there



FRI29 woke up 10am or something for breakfast. 15missed calls from max! last call 5:05am bastien and pete too zonked to hear. Very worried. Considered we may need to call cops and/or hospital

Pete cancels lost phone.

royal wed on TV – the woman in the hotel was watching it, Bastian put thumbs DOWN at the screen but I went upstairs and put it on in the rm, kind of 3/4 asleep watched it hungover in and out of dozes, annoyed by the organ/choir. Glad not be in UK with all those snivelling sycophants reinforcing the sad old class system that blights Blighty. Silly, inbred-blueblood worshipping cunts.

Pete’s missing blackberry turns up presented by maid!

re:Max – we contacted promoter – S.O.S., put our messages on twitter/Fbook.

Taxi in sun, with beach clothes on. taxi got lost. finally found venue. max is at venue! he’d been out all night. …HE’d GOT ROBBED on a bench, woke up without phone and wallet. schoolkids were waking him up around 9am. What a nightmare for him! shit. How did this happen??? apparently max had gone into a sandwich jointand got 3 sandwichs when he came out bastien and pete had vanished. all they remember is wondereing wher max had gone , wandredd rnd in a delirous, stupor, 99% alseep bubble. got 1 cab. ended up nowhere. got another. stumbled back into hotel. MEMORY ERRORS.

1st class train to Porto. feeling very rough indeed/ shakes. naps. felt like a v.long journey. Porto: last stop. max nearly left his bass on there,we ran back to collect. beach gear on, towels draped. Overcast and puddles. Got lift to hotel. Then venue.

late dinner. Went for a meal with tough looking rockabilly guy- turned out to be one of portugal’s ‘top10 wanted men’ Porto FC Ultra. Ate local dish thing that was apparently like ‘croque Monsieur’ but with layers of meat; brutal. curry type sauce, lasagne like topping. 1slice of bread. surrounded by fries. weird. Not exactly delicate. Stuffed. vChoc mousse and tirramasou

Back to hotel. Fell asleep. Got up about 12:15am.
Apparently venu was straight up the rd. GOT LOST where’s the venu?? bastien now officially pissed off. arrived 2min before 1am stagetime.

ended up on at 1:30am pretty Good gig.
people SCREAMING after.

Kept on boozing, hassling the rockabilly owners for more booz. 2 rms – hard French-like techno or Rockabilly/Northern Soul etc stuff. Definitely prefered the latter.


almost impossible tyring to wake Max.

Pleasant airport, nice and quiet, live jazz duo in background. bastien bought port and sausages.
All seperated on tedious flight.
Ran for train; gatwick to LD got busted and fined Bastien now officially pissed off.

London Bridge: overun by riot police. Another Millwall game.
Pete dashed back to Sarf London, Bastien to North LDN, Max to Luton to pick up borrowed car and then drive back to Antwerp.

Back in London, quite sunny. All good!  In time for Dr Who
new series 2nd episode!